Here's a sampling of clients and the results and progress they've experienced.
Jarrett Davidson, T&T Seeds
"Since I started working with Jean-Guy only 8 months ago, we have intelligent leadership team meetings now, where we make decisions. We’re rolling out very strategic initiatives with my leaders and managers to grow and make things easier. We’ve focused on top priorities for two quarters now. We’ve stayed focused and made sure they happened. Our communication isn’t quite where it needs to be yet, but now I know where to go with it, how to deal with communication problems and performance problems. I feel more confident in my ability to have those conversations. We’re getting better at assessing talent in a standardized way having good debate about it and getting to the root of the issues. I’m more productive than I ever was. I’m doing more thinking. I have more clarity. I’m going into meetings more prepared. I realize now that this is my job as a CEO, not walking around fighting fires. With Jean-Guy, we’re using established tools that are designed to work, and they’re supported by his methodology. There’s no ambiguity. We don’t miss things. It’s documented and followed up on. We go all the way with the discipline. I’ve appreciated the conversation he and I have had as we lead the process together. We talk about what’s important now. He’s flexible. We collaborate on it, rather than him telling me how it’ll be. And I really appreciate the personal connection to me as a human, father and spouse, that clearly is important to my success and impacts my performance."
George Constantinides, Contempora Steel Builders
"Jean-Guy has been great at helping us solve problems and make decisions together as owners and in our management team. He steers us in solving our own problems. We think having a coach is healthier long term than having a consultant telling us what we should do. Because it creates real understanding and buy-in across our management team. We consider all the input and get the best ideas from the group. We like the processes he uses and how he guides us on how to do things and helps us hold ourselves accountable. Now, we work much more as a team. People are engaged, understanding why we’re there. They’re more comfortable opening up and talking. We work through disagreements. It’s not personal. It’s not me against you. We work together for the business. This has also enabled us to hold people more accountable for their specific roles. Jean-Guy’s approach and demeanor is comfortable and relaxed. He offers smooth constructive feedback. He’s a team player. We now consider him part of the team. We ask his opinion and tap into his valuable experience. We even invite him to collaborate with other outside people we work with."
Wes Levesque, Pro-Western Mechanical
Mark Wolff, Advance-Tek Consulting
"With Jean-Guy’s support, we created a clear direction for our company, including a powerful concept for how we position ourselves to attract and keep the clients we want to work with and the kind of work we want to do. We came up with a clear plan for how we will get there, what we would bite off to start and who was accountable for what. This got us moving down the road of addressing the fact that some of us were not following through on, not only our action plans, but also on our day-to-day roles. So, we got really clear between us on each of our roles and accountabilities to ensure gaps were filled and duplication eliminated. We got to clear agreements about what each of us had committed to. That helped us confront each other when it was clear some of us were not fulfilling those commitments. We learned that while someone might fit into our culture, it was critical to select people who also had the demonstrated knowledge, skills and experience required for a specific role. We learned that we need to be honest and direct when someone is under-performing and to deal with it sooner than later. And we learned that the philosophical and practical alignment of the owners/leaders is critical to aligning our team. With a clear strategic direction, clear roles and accountabilities, and people with the right knowledge, skills, experience, and aligned philosophy, we are now on the path to recovering our volumes and profitability, and building the business further from there on."
Derek Kindrachuk, Kindrachuk Agrey Architecture
"Our firm now has a written strategy and direction, which we created together and are committed to, and that helps guide our decision-making. I’ve gotten better at planning, prioritizing, time management and delegating. I have a sense of accomplishment and I’m actually getting more done because my efforts are more focused. And I feel invigorated and energized as a result of involving and empowering up-and-coming staff and seeing them build their confidence"
Trish St.Onge, CFS Saskatoon
"I just wanted to take an opportunity to thank you for the many ways you have helped with your leadership to move our organization forward. I haven’t had a chance to just tell you that. So, you just have a wonderful way of organizing and synthesizing our sometimes disorganized, random and discordant thoughts into a meaningful, progressive, action-oriented plan. I was impressed with how you quickly you understood the mission of our organization and our hopes and dreams and somehow facilitated excitement between the board and the staff to move our plans forward. I think your quarterly involvement with us have really supported our ability to put that plan into action, being able to develop our communications plan, our new logo, to be able to move our community programs as a priority into action. We have grown probably about 35% since you first became involved with us. And I think our impact in the community is significantly different. I’ve had people say that we seem more visible and that we are easy to work with. And I know that having a plan from our strategic planning sessions with you have facilitated that happening. I wish you all the best, and we look forward to working together with you in the future."
Elisabeth Foucault, Family Focus Eyecare
“As a result of our work with Jean-Guy to prepare a partners’ planning session, our partners group had an energizing and productive afternoon together. We got some clarity about what’s working and what needs work in our practice and our partnership. We made some key operational decisions which had eluded us for some time. We shared those key decisions pro-actively with our associates and strengthened our relationships with them. Through this work, we also strengthened our weekly partners’ meetings so they are more organised, focused and productive. Our office manager has developed her knowledge and skills in the area of meeting facilitation and communication and is happier with how things are working between her and the partners. I have also become more self-aware both personally and professionally. I got clearer on my role in the practice while also delegating more to certain employees so it is not all on my shoulders. This has also helped to strengthen these employees’ skills and engagement in our practice.”
Ken Kosolofski, Concentra Financial
"Jean-Guy was instrumental in helping and guiding our organization in developing and formulating a much more focused and disciplined approach to our strategy execution process. This contributed to a better understanding and accountability framework that assisted us in monitoring and achieving our objectives."
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