When members of our leadership team aren’t performing, it’s easy to jump to blame. But that gets us nowhere. Instead, we can ask ourselves “how am I contributing to the situation?”. As the head of a company, our leadership has a huge impact on the people we lead. It can either support or stifle performance. So getting the most out of the leaders on our team requires us to first look in the mirror. Every CEO I’ve worked with has had to take this step at some point to see meaningful improvement in their team and company. In this Gravitas Impact Premium Coaches podcast, my colleague Graham Mitchell in Johannesburg, South Africa, shares two stories of CEOs who built A Player leadership teams by considering how their own leadership style was supporting or hindering their efforts. How can you develop more A-players on your leadership team?
To find out how to develop more A-player leaders to grow more easily, quickly and profitability, AND enjoy the ride, try our complimentary Agile Growth Checklist. This self-service questionnaire takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete. You'll receive the checklist with your responses immediately. Within 24 hours, you'll receive a compiled report highlighting areas to improve. Complete section 2 to check your talent processes. Or complete all 7 sections to find out how your company is doing in each of the 7 areas needed to produce more rapid, profitable and sustainable growth. This report is complementary and involves no obligation. Comments are closed.
December 2029