In partnership with The Growth Faculty, we’re delighted to offer you discounted rates to The 5 Question Leader with Michael Bungay Stanier. Organisational learning and development expert and author of the runaway best seller The Coaching Habit, Michael Bungay Stanier, has the secret sauce on bringing the skill of coaching into the workplace. In a 90 minute live masterclass, Michael draws on the experience of training more than 10,000 managers in everyday coaching skills to give you the tools to unlock your people’s potential. “Being more coach-like was the characteristic that most distinguished leaders who best created impact.” Michael Bungay Stanier Wednesday, August 10, 2021 - 7pm in SK and 8pm in MB NON-MEMBER: $99 | OUR NETWORK: $79 *Prices quoted in USD. How can you improve coaching in your company?
To take people development to the next level in your company to grow more easily, quickly and profitability, AND enjoy the ride, try our complimentary Agile Growth Checklist. This self-service questionnaire takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete. You'll receive the checklist with your responses immediately. Within 24 hours, you'll receive a compiled report highlighting areas to improve. Complete section 1 to check your people development processes. Or complete all 7 sections to find out how your company is doing in each of the 7 areas needed to produce more rapid, profitable and sustainable growth. This report is complementary and involves no obligation. Comments are closed.
December 2029